Multi-Sensor Soundscape Listener
Intelligent Environmental Monitoring
Protection Solutions
Solutions for near real-time monitoring any soundscape with inbuild AI and Machine Learning capabilites communicating directly to the cloud.






Each listening device has systems to provide an autonmous solution. Audio recording with cloud configurable timing. These are stored locally on an accessible SD card as well as passed through to the detector for acoustic indendification of targetted species. It can also send full recordings* to the cloud for regular retrieval and study so you don’t need to get off the SD card.
Coupled with local GNSS, alternative energy sources (Solar, Wind), and real-time communication options (mobile or satellite), these devices are trouble free. The devices report their health on a daily basis and they can also be be remotely accessed by the engineers/biologists to ensure that it is has the latest models and retrieve any urgent reports.
The devices report their health on a daily basis and they can also be be remotely accessed by the engineers/biologists to ensure that it is up to date, has the latest detection models and retrieve any urgent audio files.

We help monitor and protect many different types of enviroments.
Our devices can listen to a wide spectrum to noises with the best dynamic range in the industry.
2 Sims Close,
Singapore, 387298
Tel: +65 8181 8727